
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Our first snowfall in the PNW

We have SNOW! It's only an inch and super wet but we will take whatever we can get! The boys crawled into bed with me at 6 am having no idea that there was snow on the ground. I told them immediately to look outside and they were ready to put on snow gear. I wasn't going to traumatize my most likely sleeping neighbors with happy squealing kids that early so I did my best and held them off till about 7:45 and then released them into the snow. They did some snow angels, attempted sledding, threw snowballs (of course had a timeout or two...trying to be real here) and then came inside to get warmed up. We went on a coffee/hot chocolate date to Starbucks where we colored for an hour (and ate a doughnut or two) and then went to the library to play on the computers and somehow checked out 17 items. Let's hope I can remember to return all of those because I am notorious for paying late fees. My boys are all snug in their beds taking naps while I upload pics, blog a bit and rest. I love winter days like this! Rumor on the street is that there may be some more snow tonight. Oh how I hope so!

 I just love being backed up to a forest. The trees are beautiful dusted in snow.
Here is a horrible attempt of a belly pic using a self timer. I have had some belly pic requests so here you go! It's the best I can do for now.

 Boots lined up for round two after naps.

Watching the snow fall with my snugly child.
 Enjoy the snow if you have any!

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