
Thursday, November 7, 2013

November 4-6 {thankfulness}

Nov. 4th - Sterling. I am beyond thankful for my Sterling Wade. He made me "mom" and has changed me much over the last 5 1/2 years. He is tenacious, passionate and loving. He takes care of his siblings. He loves making new friends. He loves to be rough. He is growing up fast and is changing daily. Here are some things that he has done over the last month that make me thankful: 1) He opened up his Bible two weeks ago and wanted to do some activities in the back of it. We went out and found pieces of God's creation and glued them on paper plates. He wanted to continue reading in his Bible. It was about salvation. He told me he wanted to pray about it and have Jesus in his heart. What a wonderful time it was. Just the two of us praying together in the toy room accepting Jesus. I love that it was all on his own. 2) Trick or treating this year was precious. He was so sweet and kind to every home we went to. He lead his brother and made sure he gave thanks after receiving each piece of candy. When we got to a home of one of his friends he insisted that his friend who was giving out candy would receive candy from his bag. He is such a giver. 3) Each time Boone is disobedient and earns himself a consequence, Sterling pipes up with "I will take his consequence mom!" He is so special to us. I am THANKFUL for Sterling and what he is teaching this family.

Nov. 5th - Boone. I am so thankful for my Boone James. He is silly, sweet and tender hearted. He loves to make his family laugh. He honors his big brother. He proclaims love for his baby sister everyday. He longs for his relationship with each family member to be right. He loves reconciliation. He is a lover of candy and pajamas. His face and curly hair melt me. I am thankful that God gave us a second boy. He is a best friend to Sterling. He loves to learn and has a sharp mind. I am thankful for Boone!

Nov. 6th - Capri. God is incredibly kind and gracious to give us this sweet girl. I am thankful I have a daughter. She is a little lover. She gives hugs and kisses. She is also tenacious like Sterling. An early crawler and always on the move. She loves to squeal, eat, play and see the boys in this family. I am so thankful for Capri and the sweetness she brings to this home.

...and here is a ridiculous amount of pictures of my three littles. Fitting for today's post :)

1 comment:

  1. Your boys have so much character! In their actions and their faces :)
