
Saturday, November 30, 2013

November 23-30 {thankfulness}

Nov. 23 - The mountains. We see Mt. Rainier everyday. It's breathtaking and majestic. Actually being on the mountain is even more amazing. It makes you feel like an ant. God is so creative with his canvas.

Nov. 24 - Grace. The free and unmerited favor of God. What an amazing free gift we have. Thankful for friends and family who give me grace as I have made mistakes, been harsh with my words and acted out of impulse. Still trying to fully understand it but am thankful for what I can wrap my mind around.

Nov. 25 - Friends. I treasure them even if I don't get to talk or be around them enough.

Nov. 26 - Doctors and Nurses. They are the best. So smart and so giving of their knowledge. Our family has ridiculously benefited from the health professionals and I seriously couldn't be more thankful. I'm pretty sure none of us would be alive without them. We like doctors and aren't afraid to find them and ask them questions. Thank you all who are in medicine and for being so smart. We appreciate you!

Nov. 27 - Peace.

Nov. 28 - Fuzzy socks. Not just normal socks but the oversized fuzzy ones. The ones you wouldn't wear out in public. I have many of them and wear them everyday. They are really ugly but so amazing on my feet...especially with our hardwood floors. Who invented these things? I thank you, whoever you are.

Nov. 29 - My mom. I'm thankful for her. She is the sweetest. Calm and collect. Thriftier than anyone I know. She loves her children and checks in with all of us daily. She is a huge supporter of my dad and will always stand by his side no matter what his endeavor is. She sacrificed a lot to be the mom she was. Driving us from one sport to another and opening up our pantry to whatever kid came to our house after school. A day of school did not go by that I didn't have a brown sack lunch with my name written on the front. She even made them for my friends that for some reason spent the night on a school night. She trusted me (maybe over trusted but trusted which meant a lot). She taught me a lot. Thanks mom for being you!

Nov. 30 - My dad. He turned 60 on this day. I am thankful for him and all that he has taught me in 29 years of life. From finances to athletics - lots of knowledge and hard work were shared and taught. I am thankful for him.

Friday, November 22, 2013

November 16-22 {thankfulness}

Nov. 16 - Mail. I love mail. Who doesn't?! Tis' the season for Christmas cards - my fave! Justin always gets the mail when he arrives home from work but he ALWAYS let's me open the special mail like handwritten notes, cards and invitations. Can't wait for the first Christmas card to arrive...

Nov. 17 - MOPS. I love my MOPS group. I absolutely love the women at my table. I am thankful to get to hear little slivers of their stories every other week and encourage each other in our journeys of motherhood.

Nov. 18 - Life group. Monday nights are my favorite and have been for a couple years now. We meet with a small group of people from our church and eat a meal together and then study God's word. Monday night friends have become family to us.

Nov. 19 - Church. We have been blessed with a wonderful church. The people that attend are just unreal. Truly a generous, kind, loving and gracious bunch. Our gospel community has just blessed us to the core. We love our pastors and their families and their focus on Jesus.

Nov. 20 - Good people. Justin broke down yesterday right off our exit. Our Honda's alternator apparently had enough. A man and his daughter pushed Justin in the freezing cold weather to the gas station, called a tow truck for him and waited with him till help arrived. Talk about kind. I am so thankful for people willing to set themselves aside for a moment to help another. Wish I had their number and address. I am so thankful for them.

Nov. 21 - Baby hands. They are so sweet. Chubby fingers and dimples for knuckles. I could kiss Capri's little hands all day long. It's the little things...

Nov. 22 - Dates. Dates with my husband and dates with my kids. I am thankful for the time carved out in our busy schedule to spend one on one time together. I took Boone on a date today to get ice cream and get to date my husband tonight with dinner and a movie. I am a big fan of quality time. Thankful for dates today...and that my mom and dad will graciously watch our children so we can date each other 8 1/2 years later!

{Headbands and drool for days! She discovered warm air coming from the vents. I adore her}

Monday, November 18, 2013

November 10-15 {thankfulness}

Nov. 10 - Good phone conversations. I am not a huge phone person. I actually really don't like being on the phone. I much rather sit in a coffee shop face to face for hrs to have a good conversation but that doesn't always get to happen. Friends and family move so you gotta do what you gotta do. I am thankful for a good phone conversation. I had a great one this week with a great friend of mine. She blesses my soul. If only I could have all of my favorite people in one place. Now that would be ideal.

Nov. 11 - Decorating. It is therapeutic for me. I love to create and re-create. It makes me happy.

Nov. 12 - Coffee. I could survive without it but I sure do love the smell and taste. I am thankful for coffee. All types. Give it to me iced, hot or black and I will enjoy it. Favorites are an iced vanilla latte from Starbucks, a Kahlua kicker from Dutch Bros and an iced honey bee latte from Two Teaspoons. YUM.

Nov. 13 - Justin. Saying I am thankful for Justin just doesn't seem like enough or fitting for this blog post after I say I am thankful for coffee and decorating but I AM thankful for him and it just so happens to be on my mind. He is wonderful. I could probably write a book on why I am thankful for him but I will keep it short. He seeks God and he loves God. In return our family gets a whole lot of love. He is slow to anger and quick to forgive. He leads me and leads our children. I want to cry thinking about him. How am I so blessed to have a man like him to love, care and provide for me everyday? My kids have the coolest and most loving father ever. I am so thankful for that. God is good.

Nov. 14 - Sports. They kept me out of trouble, gave me some of my best friends to date, taught me discipline, teamwork and brought me a lot of joy. Because of soccer I was recruited to a small Christian college. The rest is history. I love that my kids are becoming of age where sports is something exciting to them. I am very thankful for sports!

Nov. 15 - Showers. Almost nothing trumps a good hot shower...well maybe coffee but it's a close call. ;) There is something refreshing about being clean and feeling renewed. I love and am thankful for a long hot shower. It's often where I retreat to after a long day of being a mom.

(Sterling's first wrestling match(es) and tournament. He had a blast!)

Friday, November 15, 2013

November 7-9 {thankfulness}

Nov. 7 - Driving. I love to drive. I am thankful we live in a place that driving isn't to hectic (I have driven in Mexico people, whoa!) I don't go many places during the week and have definitely turned into a homebody but I do love to go places when I have the time. I'm itchin' for a road trip!

Nov. 8 - My home. I'm thankful that we bought the house we did. At times it makes me angry (seriously) because the projects are never ending and it's old which means there are repairs that never end but it is beautiful and homey. Instead of seeing it as a time and money eater (sorry for those I have complained to about it!) I am working on seeing it as perfect dwelling place for my little fam. I love all the small details and the character it has and there are endless amounts of memories already made here that I will always cherish. This place is great and God is so good that he allowed all the little details workout for us to purchase it.

Nov. 9 - My extended family. I heard when you marry your husband you somewhat marry their family as well. It is kind of true. I am BEYOND blessed to have married into a fabulous family. Seriously my mother and father in-law and my sister in-laws and their families are the best. They are so loving, kind and generous. The didn't need to take me in as a daughter or sister but they did. I have never once felt left out or not a part of the Officer clan. I am proud to represent their last name. I don't know if I have ever met such giving people. They raised one fine young man that I get to call husband everyday. Geesh I've got it good!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

November 4-6 {thankfulness}

Nov. 4th - Sterling. I am beyond thankful for my Sterling Wade. He made me "mom" and has changed me much over the last 5 1/2 years. He is tenacious, passionate and loving. He takes care of his siblings. He loves making new friends. He loves to be rough. He is growing up fast and is changing daily. Here are some things that he has done over the last month that make me thankful: 1) He opened up his Bible two weeks ago and wanted to do some activities in the back of it. We went out and found pieces of God's creation and glued them on paper plates. He wanted to continue reading in his Bible. It was about salvation. He told me he wanted to pray about it and have Jesus in his heart. What a wonderful time it was. Just the two of us praying together in the toy room accepting Jesus. I love that it was all on his own. 2) Trick or treating this year was precious. He was so sweet and kind to every home we went to. He lead his brother and made sure he gave thanks after receiving each piece of candy. When we got to a home of one of his friends he insisted that his friend who was giving out candy would receive candy from his bag. He is such a giver. 3) Each time Boone is disobedient and earns himself a consequence, Sterling pipes up with "I will take his consequence mom!" He is so special to us. I am THANKFUL for Sterling and what he is teaching this family.

Nov. 5th - Boone. I am so thankful for my Boone James. He is silly, sweet and tender hearted. He loves to make his family laugh. He honors his big brother. He proclaims love for his baby sister everyday. He longs for his relationship with each family member to be right. He loves reconciliation. He is a lover of candy and pajamas. His face and curly hair melt me. I am thankful that God gave us a second boy. He is a best friend to Sterling. He loves to learn and has a sharp mind. I am thankful for Boone!

Nov. 6th - Capri. God is incredibly kind and gracious to give us this sweet girl. I am thankful I have a daughter. She is a little lover. She gives hugs and kisses. She is also tenacious like Sterling. An early crawler and always on the move. She loves to squeal, eat, play and see the boys in this family. I am so thankful for Capri and the sweetness she brings to this home.

...and here is a ridiculous amount of pictures of my three littles. Fitting for today's post :)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 1-3 {thankfulness}

To say it has been busy around here is an understatement. Right now the boys are at the dump with Justin, Capri is sound asleep in her big girl room and I am finally finding a moment of silence to upload some pictures to document a beautifully messy time in life. Our theme at MOPS this year is a beautiful mess. It couldn't have come at a better time. I am learning how to embrace my life that looks a bit messy and not let each trying circumstance determine the outcome of my day. Easier said than done. Every year people seem to post what they are thankful for on FB for each day of November. I have never participated, well in my head and heart I have but never shared. I think I will participate this year as I believe there is something wonderful about sharing your heart and being transparent for the world (okay a few friends and family) to see/hear. I am already a few days behind (beautiful mess I tell ya) so here is some catch up.

Nov. 1 - Modern Medicine. Justin had surgery this day so it is perfectly fitting to be thankful for modern medicine. Our family has definitely benefited from skilled surgeons, loving nurses and the best of drugs. In my immediate family alone there has been 6 surgeries in the past 7 months and there will be one more in the next month or so. We seem to all be falling apart. I am thankful that these bodies of ours are not our permanent ones. Justin had a very successful surgery removing a polyp from his nose which obstructed his breathing for the past 4 months. Modern medicine is the best.

Nov. 2 - Technology. Our good friends were in India and are now in Hawaii (and who knows where next) and we miss them and their girls greatly. We get to face time with them ever couple of weeks and it's always a breath of fresh air. It's wonderful to hear them but to get to see their lovely faces does all of our Officer hearts lots of good. Technology baffles my mind. I don't get it at all but I am seriously thankful for it. 

Nov. 3 - Accountability. I don't think I could have gotten through these past few months without my friend Katie and our meet up times. Simply having someone to sit with that has a wonderful listening ear to tell about my week and what the Lord is teaching me is priceless. Seriously, no price tag. We are able to be in God's word, pray for each other and hold each other accountable to how God wants us to live out our lives. It's a beautiful time of confession and renewal. I love our weekly meetings and what they do for my soul. 

...and because I have taken a million pictures this fall but haven't shared any I will just add them to the end of each of my thankful posts even if they don't match up for what I am thankful for. Again, I'm just a beautiful mess - take it or leave it! :)

I love this tree in our front yard and how it changes in such a short span of time.
 Oct. 9th:
 Oct. 20th:
Nov. 3rd:

Friday, October 4, 2013

Our living room

- a morning sanctuary -
- an afternoon racetrack -
- a nighttime gathering place -


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

DIY felt bow headbands

I love crafting but haven't been around to it much. I mostly switch around furniture, pictures and rugs to get my crafty/artsy fulfillment and my silly need for change and/or production. I have a lot of felt and elastic left over from baby showers I have hosted where we have had a headband making station. I am trying to downsize my craft supplies because we have a couple moving in downstairs. More on that later. So, instead of getting rid of it I thought I would use some of it before I passed it along. Instead of re-inventing the wheel (who has time for that?) I wanted to share this really good and really simple tutorial along to you. Seriously, it is easy. Free template and everything. All you need to know how to do is use scissors and very little glue. Easy peasy. Here is the website: Six Sister's Stuff. All you need is scissors, felt, glue and elastic. DEFINITELY download the template. This is what makes them look good and be really easy. Free-handed bows aren't as cute as free-handed flowers. Here is my go at it:
Note: I followed the instructions to a T on the cow hide print bow and then decide to cinch in the next two for a little bit of a gathered look. A little trial and error. Both are fun, just a little bit different. You can't go wrong.
I used the big felt bow template. Cut each piece out and then pin it onto your felt and cut! This is what the template looks like:
And here they are on my little one. We love new headbands!

Here is the sizing chart I used. I think it's pretty accurate.
10" for newborns
12" for 0-3 months
14" for 3-6 months (I used this size for Capri)
16" for 6-9 months
18" for 9-12 months

Happy Crafting!

Take 2 - Capri's Nursery

I went on a wonderful girls trip to Bellevue last weekend. It was glorious. No kids (though I did miss them a lot), tons of good food, great shopping and even better company. When we were there I knew I wanted to go the paper source. I always score good prints there. This time was no exception. I had wanted a hot air balloon print for Capri's room but no way was I going to pay a lot of money for one. Once again the paper source came through with their big prints that I believe are meant to be fabulous wrapping paper. This print was only $2.50, yes please! So, here we go again, a little re-do of a space I didn't quite love yet. I got rid of the changing pad - that little lady of mine has never had her britches changed on it. She is with me which is with the boys which is always in our toy room. She doesn't seem to mind the floor. I am loving the less cluttered wall and a dresser to decorate. Now, I just need to get the frames filled with Capri's sweet face!

 I'm sure there will be a take three...stay tuned!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Capri's Nursery

Finally, some pictures of this sweet little oasis. I love Capri's room. It's soft, sweet and whimsical. Justin and I really enjoyed painting her room and daydreaming of this unknown little girl kicking in my belly that would soon be sleeping in here. Okay, so really she is in the bassinet next to me still...but soon she will be in her big girl room. And if any of you know me well, this is completely shocking. I'm not sure if she is still sleeping next to me because she is a little girl that I want to protect, if it's because she may be my last baby and I want to soak it up or if I'm lazy and don't want to walk to her room to nurse her. It may be all of the above. She will be half a year old next week so I decided it was about time to share her room with you but I have this big problem of starting a project and not quite completing it. It's awful. That's why I haven't posted pictures till now. This room is about 90% of the way there. I didn't want to show you an uncompleted room but I decided I should just be real and let you all know that I NEVER have it together. My house is a mess right now. Pictures can be so deceiving. There are multiple baskets of unfolded laundry (that have been there for weeks) that was slid into the hallway to make the room prettier for the camera. So, here it is in all of it's uncompleted glory!
Just a little scrap book paper, scissors, tape, string and an embroidery hoop and voila!

I love her alphabet wall that my dear friend Mary-Hayden made & gifted to me at my baby shower.
 Capri's first baby booties made by my friend Laura.

Headbands and bows galore. My mom embroidered the animal ABC picture eons ago for one of my siblings when they were a babe.

Here is the room breakdown:
Curtains: IKEA
Frames: Hobby Lobby and old ones I painted
Scrap Banner: DIY
Hot air balloon mobile: DIY
Lamp: Goodwill DIY
Nightstand: my great grandma Kitty's (she'd be so proud!)
Chandelier: my great grandma Kitty's
Chair: Goodwill
Dresser: Goodwill DIY
Book shelf: DIY
Head Band and Bows organizer: DIY
Chevron Rug: Urban Outfitters
Crib: Graco Sarah Classic 4-1 convertible crib

I'm sure I will be back with the finishing touches later.....
....back to some projects!