And the baby that we got to shower made her debut Monday morning!!! I cannot wait to meet the sweet little Emily Claire! Abby was at church Sunday night and I got to meet her sweet mom who flew in just in time for the delivery! Seriously, special. Here are a few more pictures of our intimate tea party baby shower for Abby and Emily Claire. Games, crafts, presents, food and fellowship. It was just perfect!

These pictures are my favorite. Abby's wonderful mom got a hold of me and asked if I would print out pictures of all the bedding for the nursery that she had made for Emily Claire and it was a complete surprise to Abby that her mom had finished it and gotten a hold of me. It definitely touched her heart as you can see below. So sweet.
It was so much fun showering Abby and Emily Claire, now I just need to get my hands on that precious baby!!!
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