Justin and I were both blessed to be able to attend an awesome college where I got to play soccer and major in psychology and Justin was an RA and served on ASB gaining his degree in Mathematics. That college was Western Baptist College, now known as Corban University. There are a lot of hilarious details in our love story so here I will write a quick version of how we met and I found myself with a MRS degree before my psych degree! I remember working out at our gym with some girls on the soccer team. Justin was down on the basketball courts playing some intramurals and a teammate pointed him out to me. The last name "Officer" stuck in my head and that is where all my stalking began. Ha! At the end of our freshman year we went on a mission trip to Mexico together and I thought he was pretty darn funny. Our sophomore year of college didn't go as I had planned. Justin had this great idea to avoid me and all girls in general to focus on friendships in his dorm, his faith in the Lord and his school studies. I wasn't a fan of that and did all that I could to put myself in the same setting as him. We went on that same mission trip to Mexico together the following year over spring break but this time with mutual likings but nothing in the works....yet! A week before school was out he called me and that is where he started to pursue me as his bride. I didn't mind one bit! We already had summer plans. I went to Hawaii to serve at YWAM (youth with a mission) serve on camp team traveling as a camp counselor. He went off to California to be a camp counselor at Mt. Gilead. That summer we made things official and dated through phone calls and hand written letters. Six months later, now our Junior year of college he was picking me up at my parents house to take me home over Christmas break. He had a ring (and I had no idea). He proposed in Eastern Oregon on Morgan Mountain ranch. Engagement details included being on horseback, carving our names in a tree, building a fire and having a picnic. It was romantic. It was the first time he said "I love you" and our first kiss. A memory I will never forget.

Fast forward. We got married in July of 2005 meaning we were married our senior year of college. We experienced all sorts of being poor that first year of marriage! After graduating (woohooo!) we were blessed with jobs right out of college. Justin was hired as an RD (resident director "aka" dorm parents) at Corban where we served for three years. I worked at a local High School in a Developmental Learning Center, experienced my first year as an assistant soccer coach and then moved onto be an Admissions Counselor for the college. We then became pregnant and welcomed our precious Sterling Wade into the world. Sterling got to live in a men's dorm his first year of life...how fun! It was time for us to move on from the college (which we still terribly miss) and Justin landed a job up in WA. It wasn't an easy move. Together we were experiencing a new state, trying to find a new church, discovering that Sterling needed heart surgery, realizing that house hunting and buying your first house isn't easy. Phew! We do know that this is exactly where the Lord wanted us. So much has happened in our almost 7 years in WA. Here we have welcome our second son, Boone James. Our third child, a daughter named Capri Isla, and have made some amazing friends.
We are so blessed by our children. We had no idea we could love three little humans the way we do. They keep us laughing and on our toes. They couldn't be more different than one another but somehow the best of friends.
So, here we are almost 12 years of marriage later with three kids and doing our best to pursue our dreams together. We are loving life and love that so many of you out there have contributed to the making of who we are and where we're at in life right now. This is just a sliver of our story and we greatly look forward to what the Lord has for us next!
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